It can be hard enough to admit to having an addiction to alcohol or drugs. Then, when you start looking at how you might best find recovery, it can be overwhelming. There are quite a number of options. Learning about each one can help you overcome some of the anxieties and uncertainties that come with addiction recovery.

Inpatient treatment, or residential treatment, is an option that works well for people who need space and time to make drastic changes to their lives. Inpatient treatment at Solution Based Treatment & Detox gives people a safe haven where they can attend to their recovery as a top priority. Reach out to our friendly and nonjudgmental team today by filling out our online form or calling 833.999.1941.

5 Benefits of Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient rehabilitation treatment is for those who need full-time care in order to achieve recovery from addiction. This level of treatment is not for everyone, but the benefits for those who do complete inpatient programs include:

  1. Safety and discretion
  2. Higher success rate
  3. Medically assisted detox
  4. Connection with sober community and like-minded peers
  5. Non-hospital, home-style setting that is comfortable and inviting

For those who have been dealing with alcohol or substance abuse, the withdrawal symptoms they experience upon quitting can be intolerable. And even if you do have a supportive family and comfortable home, you may still need extra assistance and care to achieve sobriety.

Many of those who become addicted to substances have co-occurring mental health symptoms or diagnoses, as well. This can impact how you go about achieving long-term recovery, and inpatient treatment often gives people a chance to address mental health issues, as well.

Because of the high level of care required for inpatient treatment, cost will be higher, which be an issue for some. At Solution Based Treatment & Detox, our team is committed to giving treatment that is suited best for each client as an individual. Find out more today about our recovery programs and what they can offer you.

Residential Rehab at Solution Based Treatment & Detox

Giving our clients the care they need to reach long-term recovery is our commitment at Solution Based Treatment & Detox. In our residential treatment center, we give our clients a warm and positive atmosphere where they can focus on recovery, step by step.

Those who participate in our residential treatment programs benefit from access to truly holistic and comprehensive services. Amenities include:

  • Healthy meals provided by full-time professional chefs
  • Comfortable, safe living space that enables you to feel at home
  • Clinical support, including cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy
  • Individual support, group therapy, and family therapy provided by on-site counselors
  • Men’s and women’s rehab centers to help accommodate those who have gender-based issues to address

Whatever your specific needs may be, we are ready to tackle addiction together with you. While traditional, “tough love” approaches may have left you feeling down and defeated, our approach addresses each person as a whole. Nobody chooses to become addicted to substances or alcohol, but it is important to make the choice to find recovery. Don’t wait to take the first steps toward freedom from addiction.

Solution Based Treatment for Lasting Recovery

For some people, outpatient treatment leaves them too vulnerable to triggers and relapse. If you’re aware that you or a loved one is in need of a higher level of care, there’s no need to feel guilty or like you have failed in any way. Rather, you can look forward to learning more about recovery and a brighter future ahead.

When it’s time to get treatment for addiction, you don’t want to be putting your trust in just anyone, and you don’t want to be stressed out trying to make it to appointments at different facilities. At Solution Based Treatment, we make it straightforward for our clients to get the care they need while finding a new way to live with greater peace and freedom. Give us a call today at 833.999.1941, or send a message online to get started.