Medical detox is used to help individuals addicted to alcohol or drugs become sober. There are many different substances that can become abused, and many candidates for medical detox are addicted to multiple substances. For example, many individuals who abuse alcohol also abuse other substances including but not limited to benzodiazepine, fentanyl, opioids, or prescription medications. 

What is Medical Detox Treatment?

Medical detox treatment is conducted in-patient and under the supervision of licensed doctors. Solution Based Treatment centers offer medical detox in a comfortable environment where you can feel at home. This is typically the first step to addiction recovery, and begins shortly after patients arrive at the rehab facility. Withdrawals from any substance can be painful and difficult for users at any stage, regardless of how long they have been abusing drugs or alcohol. Many substances can have serious withdrawal side effects, which can quickly become life-threatening if not monitored by a professional. 

The medical detox method allows doctors to prescribe controlled doses of alternative medications that can help sedate and alleviate withdrawal symptoms, while also curbing cravings for their substance of choice. Overall, its a more comfortable and productive method of drug and alcohol detox.

Common Side Effects Amongst Popular Substances

Every individual is different, and the reaction they may have when coming off of drugs and alcohol ultimately depends on how long and how often they have been using, as well as their benefits. Regardless, medical detox is a safe and effective way to treat drug and alcohol dependence at any stage. Let’s look at some of the common withdrawal side effects experienced that medical detox can help remedy:

Alcohol Detox Symptoms

There are several common alcohol detox symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings, fatigue, irritability, depression, and loss of appetite. In addition to these common symptoms, those undergoing alcohol detox may experience more serious symptoms such as a rapid heart rate, clammy skin, tremors, head and body aches, nausea, and vomiting. 

One of the most serious side effects of alcohol detox to look out for is delirium tremens (DT) which appears as altered mental status and autonomic hyperactivity, which can develop into cardiovascular collapse. Other signs of delirium tremens include severe agitation, seizures, hallucinations, and fever. This form of alcohol withdrawal is incredibly serious and if experienced outside of a medical facility can become fatal. Medical detox helps prevent patients from experiencing severe side effects, while still reducing their dependence on alcohol – eventually eliminating it.

Benzodiazepine Detox Symptoms

Benzodiazepine or “benzos” are prescription drugs, with the most common ones being Ativan, Xanax, and Valium. When used correctly these medications can treat anxiety, seizures, insomnia, and more. However, they are commonly abused, with users becoming dependent and addicted. Because these drugs target the nervous system, they are known to lower blood pressure and reduce the heart rate – when used improperly they can have catastrophic results. Benzodiazepine dependence typically requires medical detox to be done safely. 

Common benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms include anxiety or panic, insomnia, muscle spasms or tension, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, mood swings or agitation, and decreased appetite. Other, more serious side effects include seizures, hallucinations, short-term memory impairment, and drug cravings. Medical detox for benzodiazepine is highly effective, and is the safest method for rehab.

Fentanyl Detox Symptoms

Fentanyl is a highly dangerous synthetic opioid that can be up to 100 times stronger than alternative opioids such as morphine. This makes fentanyl highly addictive, and very risky. It is one of the core substances that requires medical detox to navigate the withdrawal process. Depending on how long a patient has used fentanyl, they can experience withdrawal symptoms for several days or multiple weeks. 

The most common fentanyl detox side effects include nausea and vomiting, muscle aches and pains, sweating and chills, anxiety or irritability, insomnia, runny nose, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping. Some of the more serious and life threatening side effects include increased heart rate, high blood pressure, seizures, and depression or suicidal thoughts. If not done under medical supervision, individuals undergoing fentanyl withdrawals could experience heart failure. 

Opioid Detox Symptoms

Undergoing opioid detox can pose many risks for substance abusers. Withdrawal symptoms can start within hours, and can last several weeks depending on how heavily the opioids were used. It is possible to develop post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS), which is essentially the occurrence of long-term opioid withdrawal symptoms that last beyond the initial detox window. To prevent PAWS, it is important to undergo medical detox for opioid addiction. 

During withdrawal, opioid users will likely experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, flu-like symptoms, insomnia, and hot/cold flashes. These symptoms often come in conjunction with excessive sweating, joint pain, and headaches. In more serious conditions, opioid withdrawal can bring on dysphoria, fever, dehydration, and hypernatremia. Like its more potent sibling fentanyl, opioid withdrawal is serious and is best treated with medical detox.

You Don’t Have to Suffer

Whether you’re seeking to quit alcohol, drugs, or both – no one should have to suffer for trying to better their life. At Solution Based Treatment centers, you or your loved one will be welcomed with open arms into a facility that is experienced and equipped to help individuals recover into being their best selves. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the withdrawal symptoms we covered, reach out – you could be saving a life.

About Solution Based Treatment

Solution Based Treatment is a national leader in detox and rehab programs. We offer inpatient medical detox, substance rehab, intensive outpatient programs, partial hospitalization programs, faith-based recovery, and sober living options. We maintain a 2:1 client to staff ratio to offer the best support possible to our patients within upscale living environments. At Solution Based Treatment, we support better living for brighter futures, all starting with our detox and rehab services. For more information visit our website at or give us a call at (833) 999-1941.

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