Addiction treatment is a vulnerable time in anyone’s life. Getting out of the home environment can be beneficial for those looking to recover because they can focus on the treatment fully. A new place gives you a fresh start and a peaceful setting to begin the sober journey. Solution Based Treatment offers inpatient detox and residential rehab for this exact reason. 

Remove Yourself from Toxic Environments

Home is the place where you began addiction, and getting out of that environment and mindset can do wonders for recovery. Addiction treatment requires 100% effort and attention. Being away from triggers that may exist in your hometown allows you to put in that effort. 

Leaving your hometown for addiction treatment is also beneficial because it makes it harder for you to obtain substances to relapse with.

Get Privacy During Recovery

When you leave your hometown for addiction treatment you get a better sense of privacy. You do not have to worry about seeing someone you know as a treatment provider or a peer. Addiction is not something to be ashamed of, but privacy allows you to open up and be vulnerable without other pressures. Recovering with anonymity gives you the opportunity to be yourself and let go of pressures from home.

Reduce Risk of Relapse

Having lower stress levels and lack of triggers reduces your chances of relapse throughout addiction treatment. It also reduces your chances of exiting treatment before you are ready. It’s a lot harder to work up the courage to cut your program short. Putting physical distance between yourself and your triggers and family members or friends that enable your addiction make you more likely to stay sober for the long run.

California is the Best Place for Addiction Treatment

Detoxing and undergoing rehab outside of your home environment is advantageous to lasting sobriety. Addiction treatment in a location like sunny Southern California is even better for successful outcomes. Solution Based Treatment is located in an optimal area for recovery and taking back your life. We take all clients on outings and adventures to show them positive aspects of sobriety. If you or someone you know is in need of addiction treatment and wants to leave their hometown, connect with Solution Based Treatment to find a program that’s right for you. 

About Solution Based Treatment

Solution Based Treatment is a national leader in detox and rehab programs. We offer inpatient medical detox, substance rehab, intensive outpatient programs, partial hospitalization programs, faith-based recovery, and sober living options. We maintain a 2:1 client to staff ratio to offer the best support possible to our patients within upscale living environments. At Solution Based Treatment, we support better living for brighter futures, all starting with our detox and rehab services. For more information visit our website at or give us a call at (833) 999-1941.

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