Removing the stigma from drug and alcohol addiction treatment begins at the root. Many people view addiction as a choice, something that people do out of laziness or lack of wanting to be healthy. That could not be further from the truth. Addiction is a mental health condition that can affect anyone. Just like depression or anxiety, addiction is not a choice. Destigmatizing addiction treatment will increase the likelihood of individuals struggling getting the help they need to recover.

How Does Stigma Affect People Experiencing Addiction?

Stigma affects people who are struggling with substance use disorder a lot more than many people realize. In 2021, over 10% of people who felt like they needed addiction treatment did not seek treatment for fear of negative reactions from friends and family. Stigma prevents people from seeking life saving care.

When addiction treatment is stigmatized, it inherently lowers the quality of care people are willing to accept as well. At Solution Based Treatment we are actively working to break the stigma surrounding addiction and treatment by providing high caliber care and comfort. From the moment you call our admissions team to when entering detox – our care team is passionate about making all clients feel comfortable, safe, and prioritized. 

Change Your Language

Making addiction treatment more widely accepted in society can be done by changing the way we talk about substance use disorder. Using “person first” language makes discussions of addiction more considerate and compassionate. 

For example, someone experiencing addiction should be referred to as such and not “an addict” or “substance abuser.” Try to avoid words like “clean” or “dirty” and instead use words like “negative” or “positive.” Language is incredibly powerful, and altering how we speak about addiction and addiction treatment will remove the stigma from the process.

The Recovery Research Institute has compiled a library of around 200 words that are appropriate to use, and also flags words that may be harmful to use. 

Approach Addiction with Care

If someone you know opens up to you about experiencing substance use disorder, be careful to react without anger or making accusatory remarks. Put compassion and care on the forefront, and voice your concerns in a delicate manner. Reacting negatively could drive the person further into addiction or make them fearful of getting treatment. Whether they bring it up first or you do, the conversation should be calm and caring for all parties involved. 

If you need help opening up the conversation with a loved one about addiction, the team at Solution Based Treatment is ready to answer any questions you may have about the detox and treatment process. Whether you’re asking for yourself or a loved one, we offer no judgment for your situation.

About Solution Based Treatment

Solution Based Treatment is a national leader in detox and rehab programs. We offer inpatient medical detox, substance rehab, intensive outpatient programs, partial hospitalization programs, faith-based recovery, and sober living options. We maintain a 2:1 client to staff ratio to offer the best support possible to our patients within upscale living environments. At Solution Based Treatment, we support better living for brighter futures, all starting with our detox and rehab services. For more information visit our website at or give us a call at (833) 999-1941.

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