Senna House
Senna House is a perfect place to live while you detox and continue care through residential treatment. Located in one of the safest cities in America, Senna has a maximum of 6 clients at a time. There’s also a 2:1 client to staff ratio, better than most other treatment centers in the nation.
Who We Treat at Senna House
At Senna House we treat people on an inpatient basis. Our residents stay with us for inpatient detox programs and 30, 45 and 60 day residential treatment programs of all types. While in our care, you’ll benefit from weekend adventures and catered meals daily.
Our Treatment Programs
Solution Based Treatment offers a wide variety of treatment programs for people throughout the country. We offer sub-acute, medically managed detox programs, residential treatment programs for substance use and mental health disorders. We also offer Day Treatment and Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP).
Inpatient Detox Programs
For most of our clients, inpatient detox is the first step towards recovery. Residents of Senna House can benefit from a wide variety of residential detox programs. These include, but are not limited to, alcohol detox, opioid detox, prescription drug detox and many other detox programs.
Residential Treatment Programs
Solution Based Treatment maintains a wide variety of inpatient rehab programs. We cover everything from fentanyl rehab to rehab for benzodiazepines. As well, we also offer dual-diagnosis treatment and inpatient treatment strictly for mental health.
Day Treatment (Partial Hospitalization Program)
One of the hardest challenges after completing inpatient care is relapse prevention. Our Day Treatment Program goal is to help our clients avoid relapse and additional in-patient treatment. While in our Partial Hospitalization Program (Day Treatment), many of our clients live at home or in sober living environments, work and live their lives day-to-day. They see us regularly and benefit from individual counseling, group counseling and relapse prevention strategies.
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
Our Intensive Outpatient Program is a perfect transition from residential treatment towards a life of sobriety. The IOP typically lasts for 3 days to up to a year. You’ll benefit from continuing care with the same Treatment Team as you had in residential care in most occasions. We can also help you locate sober living homes if you do not reside in the area.
Will Solution Based Treatment Accept My Insurance?
The great thing about Solution Based Treatment is that we accept most forms of PPO insurance and many HMO insurance plans as well. We are an in-network provider of care with a wide variety of insurance companies. This means, your plan may cover up to 100% of the cost of care. To determine if your plan benefits will cover treatment, call us at (833) 999-1941 any day, any time.
Licenses, Accreditations & Insurances We Accept
Solution Based Treatment accepts health insurance from over 100 different companies

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Solution Based Treatment takes website visitor and patient privacy seriously. That’s why we’re LegitScript Certified. LegitScript is a third-party agency that certifies addiction treatment centers meet the highest standards possible. In their own words, “…we strive to be the most trusted advisers to inform businesses, governments, and the public about which commercial entities are legitimate, legal, and trustworthy — and which are not.” Solution Based Treatment neither receives nor provides commissions or fees that are dependent on our website visitors choosing to accept treatment with us or another provider of care. If you’d like to explore more treatment options, please visit https://www.samhsa.gov/.